I have made every excuse in the book not to live my dream. I continually feed myself one lie after another to save myself from my own fears. I am going to be truly honest and say I am afraid of failure and rejection. Knowing that a writer is rejected often scares the hell out of me.
I should get this book by Friday and I have blocked out a lot of time next week for reading and writing. I know this will take some time and I can't just quit my job and hope to make up the income in a few weeks. I know nothing about writing styles other than MLA. In college I could write and A quality research paper in a matter of hours but I am clueless when it comes to article writing. I have a lot to learn before I dive into writing articles for money. I have a lot of fears to face on this journey but I am not going to give up this time.
I am going to find places to cut my budget so I can continue to set aside a lot of time for writing. I am starting with the money I spend blogging. I know it is not much but I have been spending about 25-30 dollars a month on ads and other things to increase my traffic. This will be enough of a savings to buy a few books to get me started. I have no funds for blog advertisements right now so my traffic will likely fall. If you love my blog please support me by adding links to your site or just letting others know about my blog.
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