I still have plenty of time so I took some almonds and coated them in a yummy cinnamon and sugar mix and ate a handful. I also took some pain reliever for the headache. I was trying to really reduce my sugar intake but maybe I have had way too much for way to long. I didn't realize how much I was eating until I tried to stop eating it. I did really well yesterday and now I regret it but I am guessing after a few days this will die down.
So things here are not rolling as smooth as I hoped yesterday. Next time I have a headache though I am not going to wait and see if it gets better. I am going to take something right away and get moving. On the plus side I have not wasted all morning. I have been researching ways to make my blogs better. I got a book review for Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, Book 1)
I plan to do laundry, finish cleaning the downstairs and workout yet tonight. I am usually up until at least midnight so that leaves me at least 6-7 hours to get some work done.
I have decided not to spend a lot of time this week clicking ads and widgets to promote my blogs. I might do a little of that but it is becoming tiring and I would much prefer to read some of my favorite blogs and write quality posts. I want to get my Dark Novels blog in tip top shape and then start working on this blog.
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