I was not perfect but I was disciplined and I worked at everything for the God I believe in. Not for myself or for recognition just to be the best woman I could in His eyes. I felt prompted to get the devotional book out that started me on that path. It is called Beautiful in God's Eyes: The Treasures of the Proverbs 31 Woman (George, Elizabeth (Insp))
Now I am not in total agreement about some of the things this book says but I think there is more good than bad. I have issues with the submissive wife thing that is usually going on in these books. I believe more in an equal partnership kind of thing. I also believe if you read Proverbs 31 the woman is such a woman of character that she may not be considered the official head of her household but she really is. She makes the home run smooth and she works hard for it. The man in this scenario trusts her and goes out to work and comes home and does little else.
I am going to work to be come a woman who doesn't eat the bread of idleness. As it stands right now I might as well sleep all day. I watch way too much television and I sit here on the computer in the name of blogging for many hours each day. I love blogging but I use things like clicking blogs and dropping cards as a reason to sit in front of my computer for hours. I am going to look for more effective less time consuming ways to bring traffic to my blogs. I can still do some of the other things I just need to set a time limit and stick to it. I need to start getting focused and I am going to start with some quiet time in the mornings to learn to focus on what is really important.
I need to set goals in many areas such as my faith, my health and my family relationships.
I sure wish you the best, and hope you find the peace you’re looking for. Stay positive, and remember how special you are, look at the good things, and let the bad go… attitude is very important to success.