My hubby informed me you need to install the game on the Xbox 360 first and it helps keep that from happening. So we did and then we took a walk outside and nearly froze to death. The dog was really happy though. She gets an hour walk almost everyday. I go with my hubby and the dog a lot until it gets cold out.
Anyway my hubby started a work out on his profile before he left for work and didn't have time to finish it so I did. Then I did my first work out over all I got in at least 90 minutes of physical activity today.
I used to love a good work out. I used to feel great after a good work out but now I just feel old. Maybe I can get there again. Maybe it will be different when I get a little of this extra fat off and build some muscle. It just feels so draining now. The thing is when I was working out a lot more I was also able to eat a lot more without gaining weight. Yes I watched what I ate but apparently because of all the strength training I used to do I was able to eat more protein and still look good.
I remember weighing about 115 and eating steak a few times a week. I was also able to have dessert sometimes too without my waistline suffering. I like my new job and I don't have to take a lot of hours so with my time off I am going to try to spend much more time working out. I am going to work up to long work outs though. I know that when I work too hard and can't move the next day it isn't any better than not working enough because that makes me sit for two days to recover. For now a short workouts plus some easy walks outside and/or on the treadmill will work. It looks like the game will increase in intensity too so for now I will work with that. I am sure it will be a bit before that is too easy.
I am thinking about getting on the scale tomorrow if I remember to get a base weight. I know I have put most of what I lost last year back on. I don't want to obsess over the weight as that is what made me give up in the first place. I do think it would be good to get a base weight and weigh maybe once a week. I am not making weight goals though. I weighed 97 pounds in high school and then about 7 years ago I was down to the same size but with a lot more muscle and I weighed 115 pounds so I realize the numbers on the scale don't always mean what I think they do.
I wish you the best, and hope you find happiness in yourself.