Well the job search has taken a turn for the time. I am still looking for a good full time job to replace what I have now or a part time job that will work around the hours I already work. I like my job a lot and that is probably why I don't want to loose it. I don't like the way my boss treats people but the job I like. I would be happy to do the same job with a boss that knew how to treat people.
I realized that when I worked for an office this week where the environment was warm and friendly. I don't mind busy work and I actually like office work. I just don't want to be yelled at or feel like asking a question will get me in as much trouble as doing it wrong. It was refreshing to work somewhere like this and I picked up a few hints on how to talk to people myself. I should say it reminded me how to talk to people properly.
I am still looking for a job and now we are looking at a great deal for a house. The house is awesome and it is bank owned. I don't know how much they will deal but I would love to buy it. We are still working out the details and trying to figure out if it is a good decision. There would be some major repairs that would need to be made right away for us to live in it but other than those things that were taken from the house it is nearly new. We do have to think about all the costs and get prices on everything before we make a decision on what to offer or even if we should make an offer. There will be things that will be more expensive and things that will be less expensive than the house we rent. So we have to weight the differences and see if we have enough to get things done and done right.
On top of all that I really need some good reading time. I have filled out what seems like a million job apps and I have contractors to call and get prices and I really just need a day to curl up in my chair and read a good relaxing fiction book. Oh yes and I need to clean but I really don't want to.
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