Wednesday, January 20, 2010

100 Minutes on the Treadmill

The last three days I have been on the treadmill for 100 minutes. My treadmill shuts off at 100 minutes because the timer won't go higher than that. I am feeling rather encouraged because I have lost three pounds since January 6th. I also worked my arms until they were shaky yesterday and I plan to do that every other day and ad some abs to the mix.

I have been eating healthy most days and not too much but I am getting some headaches as I get used to this so I am limiting my time on the computer as it makes my head hurt more. I want to document my journey and I am sure this will get better. I am also very tired and am getting a great nights sleep when I go to bed so I think once I get used to the workout and eating healthier I will feel much better. Getting used to not eating as much and eating lighter foods is that hard part right now because my body seems to want to make up the calories that I work off and I am thinking that is why I have these headaches. They are not migraines so they are not really bad they just make it hard for me to stay on the computer long.

I will be back soon to update you on the weight loss.


  1. I hope you don't set your success on weight loss. Set it on how you feel and look in the mirror.

    To many people place success on the scale, this will lead to failure. Because it take awhile for your body to switch to burning fat, and also you body retains water during this transition. You might drop 10 lbs in fat yet retain some water and build some muscle and therefore no weight loss would have occurred...

    so plz don't set you goals by weight... in a year maybe but not short term. Thx and keep it up, I know you can do it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. wow that's an accomplishment! i wish i had ur enthusiasm...
