I know the title of this post is not creative. I tried creative and I just kept coming back to STUFF. I just have so much going on and it is a mix of all aspects of my life. My husband and I go to a counselor every other week to learn how to work on our communication issues. It has been an eye-opener for me at the very least. We have let so many things go over the years it is hard to reconnect at times. Things there are getting better as we learn how to better understand each other.
I am also learning that I so don't ever want a bigger house there is already too much to clean. I am trying to be a better wife and do more around the house, especially while I am only in school part time. I have also been walking the dog more. The goal would be an hour at least 4 days a week but that is going to take some time. I may just have to do every other day because I was dying yesterday after two days of long walks on the pavement. I had trouble walking to class yesterday. If I had to guess it would be that the pavement is hard on my hip that was broken. I don't get this way from the treadmill or from the Wii step with weights on.
I have been rethinking my school status as I talked with a professor who thinks I should already be able to get into the masters program. I am not sure I am going to get a second Bachelors that will cost me more money. I am however going to take all English courses until I can get into the Masters program. I am going to spend more time working on a creative writing portfolio. He is trying to get a creative writing program up and running. I hope he is successful then I might be able to shift my focus from literature to writing.
I have so much work to do and I have been organizing some of my days better. At first I was trying to organize every hour and that backfired. Life throws you all kinds of curve balls when you get this crazy. So now I am giving myself at least an hour in the morning to drink coffee and do whatever I want. Then I try to make a list of things to do and put a star next to things I need to have done that day. The other items would be nice to get done today but can be moved to another day if necessary. That has been working a lot better for me now I am going to have to schedule time for creative writing beyond my class work too. I think I keep it a loose time schedule like a few hours a week when I can fit it in. So if it is just two hours on the weekend I am not all bummed out because I failed to work on it for an hour each day.
It is strange how setting goals affects me. If I don't meet my own goals no matter how silly they are I am disappointed in myself. I have to learn to set reasonable goals and be flexible. Then when the time comes for more structured goals I can handle them instead of just giving up.
For me, setting goals is broad at best. And there more like emotional goals. Like I will find one aspect in life that really makes me fill alive... that goal really has no ending, until I reach that goal. Then I move onto the next one... like losing 30 pounds can't go wrong there, no time frame given just a goal to meet... another one, Saving $2,000 great plan but again no time frame. Just the promise to work every day at doing my best to achieve them...
ReplyDeleteRemember never to set a time frame, BUT you must dedicate yourself to achieving them. That way you always grow and never fail. Plus the stress of meeting your goals don't make life worse... that is counterproductive.
And first and foremost you must love yourself, be happy in who you are and what you do... money and success is not what makes you>> you.
The only thing you will leave behind is your kids and their family. So focus on being the best parent you can be, give them every opportunity to succeed. But of course do not spoil them, that only breeds brats and drug users..
I wish only the best for you and your family.. I hope you see how amazing you really are. Plus I hope your husband sees that.
Be thankful your healthy, be thankful your alive, be thankful you have it better than most people around the world, be thankful your brilliant, be thankful you can change who you are, be thankful you live in a free country, be thankful you have a marriage to work on, be thankful your still young enough to change your stars…. GET IT…
BE thankful in what life gives you and tomorrow will always be bright. Focus on the bad or failing things and tomorrow will always be cloudy… rejoice in life and show love to those you love and in return love will come back. That I promise, keep your head up and look where you’re going, don’t look back…
Best wishes.